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Types of Risk Assessment in Safety

According to OSHA four basic types of risk assessment should be carried out in workplace

1- Baseline risk assessment 
2- Generic risk assessment
3- Continuous risk assessment
4- Specialized risk assessment 

1- Baseline risk assessment
This is the initial assessment of risk in a workplace. It is a broad assessment and includes all activities taking place on site. A baseline HIRA (Hazard Identfication and Risk Analysis) is done to establish a risk profile and is used to prioritise action programmes for issue-based risk assessments.

2- Generic risk assessment
This risk assessment is used where the same type of task is carried out at different workplaces in the same way (e.g. risk assessments of a number of warehouses storing similar goods). To do a generic risk assessment, perform a baseline risk assessment and then use this for similar work activities that involve comparable risks.

3- Continuous risk assessment
The continuous risk assessment is an informal risk assessment performed on an on-going basis in the workplace. It's usually performed by a supervisor who'll observe employees performing their tasks as part of his daily responsibility. From this observation the risk related to the specific performance of the task is assessed and the supervisor will stop the employee from continuing the task should it present too high a risk.

4- Specialized risk assessment 
In the field of HIRA there are several methods available for determining specific risks associated to each individual workplace. These models each have a specific application and are used to achieve specific objectives. 

Once you’ve decided on which risk assessment to perform, you’ll need to decide which model you’ll employ. In the field of hazard identification and risk assessment there are several methods available for determining risk in the workplace. These models each have a specific application and you’ll use them to achieve specific objectives.


As for Risk Analysis their are only two types which are;

1. Qualitative Risk  prioritizes the identified project risks using a pre-defined rating scale. Risks will be scored based on their probability or likelihood of occurring and the impact on project objectives should they occur.

2. Quantitative Risk assigns a projected value(usually this value is stated in terms of cost or time) to the risks that have already being ranked by the previous process 'perform qualitative risk analysis'. 


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