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Common Safety and Health Hazards in Workplace

What are the common hazards in workplace?
Well there are many different types of hazards, depending upon nature of work activities and type of industry. But Hazards generally fall into six broad groups.

1.  Mechanical/Electrical- e.g, slip, trip and falls, moving machinery, electrical equipment.
2. Physical- e.g, noise, radiation, light, vibration.
3. Chemical- e.g, corrosive, poisons, harmful dust.
4. Biological- e.g, Household waste, bacteria, viruses, parasites.
5. Environmental- e.g, exhaust fumes and gases, landslide.
6. Organisational/psychological- e.g, fatigue, violence, bullying.

Identify hazard in present Office scenario from following list

Here are some common workplace hazards;

> Computer workstation- Eye strain, back injuries and ULDs
> Vehicles and TransportCollision and crushing with vehicles
> Lightning- Poor lightning, too bright or dark 
> BullyingCriticism of competent staff, blocking promotions
> Getting n and out- Heavy doors, upon opening door leading to stairway
> Temperature- Too hot or too cold
> Housekeeping- undity areas can lead to hazardous events
> Heights- Serious injury or even death
> Slips and trips- Broken bones or bleeding
> Impact- from flying or falling objects
> Electricity- electric shock, electric burns
> Aggression and violence- Verbal abuse, threats and physical attacks.
> FireBurns, structure collapse, 
> Noise and Vibration- White finger, carpel tunnel syndrome
> Stress- psychological and emotional effects
> Manual Handling-  Musculoskeletal disorders
> Chemicals and harmful substancesCorrosive, poisonous, carcinogens


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