Moderate static work might produce localised fatigue in the muscle involved and could lead to intolerable pain. Moreover, excessive effort or work (could be static or dynamic) repeated over a period of time could lead to light pain initially and then to intense aches and pains. This does not only involve muscles, but could affect joints, tendons, ligaments and other tissues.
Continuous exposure and repeated efforts or movement can lead to damage of ligaments, tendons and joints. These impairments are usually referred to as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). MSDs develop over time; the process evolves gradually with repeated overuse and lack of recovery. Sudden appearances of injury such as a torn ligament or a sprain, are not musculoskeletal disorders associated with repetitive work and are clearly work-related accidents.
Other terms generally used apart from MSDs are cumulative trauma disorders, repetitive stress disorders, repetitive stress injury (RSI), overuse injuries and repetitive motion disorder (RMD).
Examples of work-related musculoskeletal disorders are epicondylitis, tendinitis, tenosynovitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis thoracic outlet syndrome, prolapsed invertebra disc (PID) and others.
When a work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WMSD) develops, a worker experiences the following:
(a) Localised fatigue and discomfort (early indicator);
(b) Swelling, as tissues become irritated;
(c) Pain;
(d) Stiffness and loss of range of motion of muscle and joints; and
(e) Inability to work and function at home.
The phenomenon of MSDs should be treated with great attention because of the consequences involved. The direct and indirect costs of MSDs are listed below:
(a) Direct cost medical expenses, compensation for victim and others; and
(b) Indirect cost loss of production, loss of work days, replacement cost and others.
Besides that, other consequences of MSDs on the victims must be considered. These include physical and mental suffering, loss of quality of life, temporary and permanent limitation in work and daily routine activities, financial problems, relationship problems, difficulties in social life and many more. These consequences are often overlooked.
Other Individual Factors that Can Cause MSD
Sometimes individual factors can make a great impact on the occurrence of MSDs. This depends on individual characteristics and may vary from one worker to another. The following are some of the individual factors which may affect the occurrence of MSDs:
(a) Height;
(b) Weight (being overweight may increase the risk);
(c) Gender;
(d) Ethnicity (some ethnic groups have stronger upper limbs compare to others);
(e) Age (older work population may have greater risk);
(f) The bodyĆs ability to deal with the risk factors;
(g) Previous injuries (road accidents, falls and others);
(h) Lifestyle (smoking, diet, exercise and others);
(i) Pre-existing or co-existing musculoskeletal disorders; and
(j) Past exposure to heavy lifting.
Trial Question
- How can work lead to MSDs?
- What is the scenario of MSDs in developing and developed countries?