Layout design is very important for each workplace because it will determine the quality and productivity of employees. The design should be comfortable for the users and facilitate the work process. Low job satisfaction can be observed among the employees if ergonomics design of layout of workspaces is neglected.
(a) Workspace Size
The following are a few suggestions for having an optimal workspace size.
(i) Ensure suitable for functions to be performed (including maintenance tasks);
(ii) Ensure lighting and temperature appropriate for functions to be performed; and
(iii) Review needs with changing or evolving functions and equipment.
(b) Workspace Arrangement
The suggested workspace arrangements are as follows:
(i) Facilitates appropriate work postures; and
(ii) Adequate space for all equipment.
(c) Design of Layout
Offices exist primarily to allow employees to do their work and thereby support their organisation's goals. Generally speaking, employees may spend more than 30 per cent of their working hours per year in their offices. Thus, the design layout of an office plays an important role in increasing
work performance of employees. The criteria which are needed to designing an ideal office layout are as follows:
(i) Provide a supportive and comfortable environment for mental and physical well-being;
(ii) Furnish cubicles based on workers' job requirements;
(iii) Create visual and acoustic privacy by using enclosure (higher number of partitions, and larger workstations);
(iv) Provide adjustable furniture; environmental controls and lockable storage for personal items;
(v) Locate work groups in the same area;
(vi) Provide access to a window and a view; and
(vii) Match alternative office strategies to tasks and employee needs.
(d) Design of Office Workstation
The recommendations for designing office workstations are as follows:
(i) Partition height: Heights between 1.5m and 1.8m are recommended;
(ii) Workstation size: Workstations of 6.3mor greater are recommended;
(iii) Orientation: The orientation of workstation openings and of workers;
(iv) Office layout: Isolate noise sources; and
(v) Office etiquette: Encourage open-plan office workers to speak more softly.